b'7Tempro TMA quantum leap in energy-efficient thermal protectionTempro is SMIs unique lightweight insulation material with exceptional thermal properties.It is used across a wide range of industries including food retail and processing, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, logistics, the Ministry of Defence, and the National Health Service.Curtains for cold rooms . . . thermal covers for pallets and roll cages . . . temporary cold rooms . . . theyre all taking advantage of the cost and energy savings which Tempro provides.It acts as a barrier material, reducing convection and preventing warm air from mixing freely with cold air by creating energy-efficient insulating gaps.And its performance never wanes . . . Tempros unique and fire-resistant make-up means it provides outstanding thermal protection for its entire lifetime.So just how effective is Tempro? We asked the world renowned independent testing facility Campden BRI to put the product through its paces, and the results were impressive.Total energy used (kWh) 32% reduction'